Since early 2020, the teams from Wilson and Heron Island have been working hard to update their infrastructure and procedures to improve sustainability and environmental preservation. View their sustainability practices below...
Wilson Island Sustainability Practices
Wilson Island is a pristine coral cay located on the Southern Great Barrier Reef, in one of the world’s best managed Marine National Parks. Guests visit Wilson Island to experience the unspoiled natural environment, the incredible marine life and the amazing native flora and fauna, which is in abundance. We have happily taken on the responsibility of caring for and protecting this breathtaking environment and are committed to maintaining a sustainable existence on Wilson Island.
100% solar and battery powered in order to generate a predominantly clean source of power.
Committed to using 100% Australian products, resources and food where possible.
Where possible, we have utilised eco and organic materials, including beds and linens, upcycled wine bottle water glasses, light fixtures and furnishings.
Bathroom amenities are 100% biodegradable and made from native Australian plants and properties.
You will not find any single-use plastics on Wilson Island - even the labels on the juices we offer are made of a food-based product.
We utilise environmentally friendly cleaning products
Heron Island Sustainability Practices
As a High Standard Operator with Advanced Ecotourism accreditation, Heron Island is focused on sustainability and working towards reducing our carbon footprint while increasing resilience to Climate Change.
Being located in one of the world best managed Marine Parks, the Great Barrier Reef, we operate to strict environmental management guidelines. In addition to this we are constantly working towards better sustainability and educational programs for our guests.
Installation of Solar Power - in early 2021 we completed the first stage of installation of solar panels at Heron Island Resort, with stage two currently underway.
Air to Energy hot water systems - 24 High Efficiency "Air to Energy" Hot water systems have been installed, reducing loads by approximately 40-60kWh/Day and reducing the amount of LP gas used.
Onsite food composter and woodchipper.
Removal of single use plastic toiletries – replaced with refillable containers.
Cardboard chipper - cardboard mulch can be mixed with our wood chips and used on gardens.
Small glass crushers to crush bottles - some of the crushed glass to be used in concrete jobs around the property, reducing waste being transported off island.
Use of 100% recycled material, where possible, for resort repairs and upgrades.